Uni haul!

Now I don't know whether I've mentioned it before but I'm going to university in September and therefore I am preparing for it now. I have bought most of the things I will need, and due to the fact that I always overpack, I have accounted for every eventuality.

The first stop was Wilkinsons which I highly reccomend. They have a good range of homeware items and cater for people on a budget. Their stuff is pretty good quality and are very good for students especially if it's first year and you lose something. So from there I got a wash basket, duvet set, frying pan, sauce pan and some sharp kitchen knives. 

I was very lucky as my brother had kept his cutlery from when he was uni so I didn't have to buy any utensils or knives and forks but I would reccomend any supermarket for them as they'll be cheap and if they break or someone else uses them it won't be the end of the world.

Next up was the one and only poundland. Now before people start up the judge train, you can find some really nice stuff in there. I will admit that it is slightly like a jumble sale but you can find some cheap, nice quality homeware. I ended up getting salt, storage boxes, toiletries, measuring cups and a baking tray. 
Then we went to a really nice charity shop in market deeping. It was one of those shops where people had donated nice items rather than gross things they just wanted to get rid of. I picked up 6 plates, 4 bowls and 4 glasses for less than £5! 

The final stop was Asda. Here I picked up bathroom supplies, mixing bowls, lamps, sheets and other bits and bobs I needed. All in all it was a successful trip. I was pretty pleased with everything I got and I know there will be things that I forgot but in general I feel much more prepared now. 
Take care 

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