The day after...

So, here goes my first attempt at a blog. I guess it's like a diary mixed with twitter, instagram and youtube. This is the first page of my 2015 story...
That sounds so cheesy that I think I should just stop there but, as no one will be reading this but me, I think it can stay. So. New Years Eve. That was a night to remember and one I want to forget in equal measure. I think you could probably guess that I met a 'guy' who seemed romantic and gentlemanly but who was actually more interested in putting his tongue down my throat and never speaking to me again, than ballroom dancing.
I'm sure everyone's been there at some point in their life. Let down by someone who was an unexpected moment; so I'm not here to pour out my heart. I'm here to document this year, 2015, (or as I have haply named it 'My year')! This is my first real time to myself.
After going through the factory that is 7 years of primary and 7 years of secondary school, I went on a 'holiday' with my 'friends'. I say holiday, it was a trek around Europe, every night a new city, I think I would rather listen to Justin Bieber on repeat from sun rise to sun set than go on that night train again. *shudder* . I then left my 'friends' a week earlier and flew back to good ol' Blighty and never spoke to them again. Afterwards, I got my Alevel grades and threw myself into work. I had two jobs in 5 months and applied for Uni somewhere in the midst of it all and by some miracle got a place. 2014 wasn't kind to me. I got knocked down by a car, suffered with crippling anxiety and PTSD, lost almost all my school friends and lost myself along the way but I somehow still fought on.
So, until I go to uni I am at home with no job, but a lot of determination. I have just under 9 months to find myself or as I like to call it: Do something!
I am going to try all the typical new years things like:
Join a gym
Do yoga
Eat vegetables?
Or something like that. I'm not really sure to be honest but I'm going to find out. No more self doubt, no more self loathing. I am going to be unapologetically me; the kind, compassionate, self confident, crazy, spontaneous, generous, intelligent, loud, pink haired ( and a little arrogant) me.
In the words of a magical movie 'Adventure is out there', I just need to find it.

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