Off to a... crawling start

So after the get go and gumption (love that word) of yesterday, today didn't go particularly as planned. Firstly, my sleep pattern of staying up until 2am watching YouTube and listening to acoustic covers of pop songs; falling asleep and then waking up at 1pm is not doing me any favours. I am missing meals which is unheard of and I haven't actually walked to the gym yet...
I think I'm just anxious of all the work out stereotypes that there are in the gym. You know the ones: The ripped men whose muscles impair them from doing almost anything except lifting weights and drinking protein shakes; the toned women who look like they were born running and who never, ever break a sweat; the feisty ones who grunt and scream their way through pull ups as is they are about to give birth; and I suppose I'm worried about all those looks, the pitying or smug looks which say 'you really don't belong here'.
Nevertheless, I will persevere. Maybe... no definitely tomorrow! I will go tomorrow. I'm not sure what I will do though. It's a bit like a playground where you want to play on everything but you just know if you go on the monkey bars it will end in tears.
My new adult perspective isn't going that well either. I am sat in a huskie onesie with dripping wet hair from the shower and a half eaten box of chocolates to my left and a plushie to my right. Ah well, Bridget jones did it, didn't she? and although she may be fictional I can use that as a yard stick.
There is no greater adventure than life, after all, so as long as I'm still breathing it is still achievable (I hope).

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