What happens next?

Wow, my last blog post was kinda loaded, no?
Sorry about that. I guess I just wanted to get it all out whilst i still felt like it. Anywho, I got to thinking today about apocalyptic/survival movies and how there's always been one thing in the back of my mind that has always bugged me.
How do they shave/apply make up?

Now before you start saying that 'it's all made up' and 'none of it really matters' and 'give me the popcorn already', these worlds are created with such attention to detail and amazingly realistic and beautiful CGI and cinematography that how this little issue has remained consistent throughout is a little weird, don't ya think?

Take the famous franchise 'The hunger games'. Katnis Everdeen looks pretty flawless throughout the entire games. Here eyebrows are on point to say the least, her complexion clear and contoured. And yes it may be that Jenifer Lawrence is made of completely inhuman like perfection but the other tributes are like that too. I mean has she smuggled in some foundation and secretly applys it whilst hiding from Careers? With all that adrenaline and fear pumping through her body she sure does make the subtle no make up, make up look seem easy. Now, I am not hating on this film (especially since I have watched it about 16 times) but I think it is good to be aware of how far into our subconscious our culture has become. How it is normal to see a dude without flawless skin and still find it attractive even, but how a woman has to have 'natural' make=up to achieve the same effect. It also bothered me how in survival films as well, the women all still have bare legs and underarms as if hair doesn't grow there. Sidenote: if you still think ladies don't have naturally hairy legs and underarms, you probably think that we don't ever poop, or belch or fart so please go back to your colouring. How are you even reading this? what are you, like 5 years old?.
Ok rant over, I think it's very interesting how for instance, in Castaway, Tom Hanks grew a huge beard but if a woman was in that position, Hollywood would magically remove all traces of hair except from long locks on her head.

Night guys, I'll be back to my usual diary style tomorrow, promise. :)

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